So, overhead some ladies conversation in a vehicle few days back about babies not having bad breath. I was like wow! Really? So babies don't have bad breath? Omo!
No doubt! Babies are cute and cuddly, but if a baby has bad breath you may not want to cuddle so closely...Trust me on this cos I've experienced such before....Yes!....E shock you abi. 

There are several reasons babies may develop bad breath. Oya let's learn together: 👇👇

1. MILK:
A hungry baby may end up drinking too much milk. If this happens their stomach will regurgitate it back up into their oesophagus, resulting in bad breath.

2. SUGAR: 
Sugar encourages the growth of putrefying bacteria in the mouth. This bacteria feasts on the sugars leftover on the babies gums and tongue and produces foul smelling gases that we call bad breath. This can be prevented with a low-sugar diet.

Just like adults, when babies have a cold or allergies with a stuffy nose they breathe through their mouths. Mouth breathing can result in bad breath because their oral tissues becomes dry, and a dry mouth is a breeding ground for putrefying bacteria.... Again, bad breath

4. TOYS: 
Yes, toys! When babies mouth their toys, they transfer their saliva which contains putrefying bacteria, causing the toys to develop a bad smell. Once the toys develop a smell, that odor is transferred back to the baby’s mouth when they suck on it again.

ANOTHER ANGLE OF REASONS: There are other more serious causes of bad breath in babies including: Tooth decay, Infection, Gastro-esophageal reflux or an object stuck in their nasal passage. 

Thus, to help prevent bad breath in babies; Please always wipe the baby’s teeth, gums, and tongue with a clean, damp, soft cloth after each feeding.

Wo! Lemme stop here for now. Until next time, help me share and keep reading other exciting content on my blog
