The need for building a personal brand is increasingly becoming so necessary and important. What many are yet to decipher is that people are becoming deaf to brands and are gladly open to listening to personal brands. The reason is that these personal brands have only one currency called TRUST.

So, as a person with a distinctive persona or a social media savy, you also need a personal brand--One that encompasses all that you stand for.

If I asked you to describe yourself in one word, what will that be?


While you think of the answer, this is one question that has received funny answers especially when you change it to another question like this: 

Who do your friends and colleagues say you are?

For those who haven't been intentional about their personal brand, you'd mostly hear conflicting answers. While for some people, it's either they don't know who they are or their friends don't.

The truth is, everyone on earth is a PERSONAL BRAND. It has nothing to do with money or class. Your friends have a perception of you. Strangers have a perception of you. Some people have a consistent brand while some don't.

Sometimes what we think of ourselves isn't what others think of us. As a person or social media savvy, it is no different. The biggest mistake a person will make is representing himself/herself as something they’re not; Or a social media savvy taking on brands/pages they aren't interested in.

For example, someone who doesn't care about being health conscious managing a health page or representing a Health Organization Brand.

So, as a person or social media savvy, how do you build a personal brand that is attractive, promotes your values and even positions you for more engagements, jobs and opportunities?
How do you communicate your personal brand?

Let me yarn you one short story:

There was a certain man who grew up to be a fine famous young man. He was filled with the desires to help people live better lives. As a young man, he'd speak even to elders. Some despised him. Others listened. But it didn't deter him.

He CONSISTENTLY put out his MESSAGE out there. At a certain point, he knew he needed a community to help him push his message even further to all nations around the world. So, he came up with the 12 DISCIPLES. I know by now, you'd know who I’m talking about….lol….I'm talking about Jesus Christ.

Yes! He too is a PERSONAL BRAND. The oldest and biggest BRAND for that matter. The one brand that has been consistent over thousands of years. This means we can learn certain principles from this fine young man and apply to our world today.

So, what are the next steps?

1. Fix your Social Media Accounts: You may be a social media savvy or have a sweet personality but you need to ensure you have properly shot photographs as your profile display. People judge your outward appearance first before they consider doing business with you or engaging you and your posts. Ensure your bio is properly written on your chosen social media platforms. If you say you are an artist, an actor, a banker, a lawyer or any career choice, please put it there. Even if you know how to manage social pages, best believe we should see that on your page too. I understand you don’t have all the time to keep posting but something as little as documenting your journey 3 times in a week counts too.

2. Be Active & Learn to Share Consistently: People follow and engage who they see. They do business with who they see not necessarily the best. They won't wait for you each time you go away for a long time. You have to consistently share content online. When you attend events, Share! Be Active! Videos and images are super powerful tools.

Leverage on Twitter/Facebook/WhatsApp/Instagram and their stories/reels feature. Share! Be Active! Share! Be Active! Those are action words. Just share! Just Be Active!

PS: I know trying to be active on all social media platforms can be frustrating and time consuming; Just identify the platform you’re comfortable with and start from there…like mine is Twitter.

3. Determine how you want to be perceived: This can be a bit tricky as people mistake it for forming/pride but it's not. If you want to be perceived as a premium personal brand, then you'd be highly intentional about the words you use and the visuals you share. However, you want to be seen, it should be visible and be well perceived.

4. Storytelling: This is the MOST powerful of them all. Even Jesus Christ used it. He told stories in the form of parables. You have stories, share them….Talk about them….Talk about your experiences. If you have your past stories that are informative and educative or business stories; Talk about them and share them. If you don't talk about them, how will they know? How will they engage you? How will they do business with you? Don't be a regular persona online or the usual social media savvy with just vibes and Isha Allah

5. Mind what you say, how you say it, when you say it and where you say it: Personal Branding isn't cheap and it takes time to build. But guess what? It's easy to destroy. Your choice of words, what you say and how you say it matters a lot. It's not every GBAS-GBOS that you will pay attention to (you know what I mean). As little as commenting on a post/tweet that is highly controversial can take away an opportunity or create an unhealthy and unnecessary engagement that can mar your persona brand.

6. Emotional Intelligence is key: This is closely tied to the point above. This is not a question of playing it safe. If you know how important this is, you'd understand why PR specialists are important people. If you ever feel some type of way (any emotions whatsoever), talk to someone offline; Talk to your bestie in the group or social media space….Use the DM. The idea is to take it offline.

Man/Woman breaks your heart - offline

You feel mushy - offline

You want to call someone out - offline.

Daddy and mummy misbehaving - offline

A particular client/colleague with skoin-skoin - offline

Why do I say this? No one wants to deal with someone who is EMOTIONALLY UNSTABLE. Especially, someone, they'd do business with or engage with on a regular.

7. Have a digital asset(s): These days, having a website isn't left for only those with a business, companies and organizations. Some individuals, regular employees are beginning to have one-page websites…..Yes! You heard me right. It will be great to have a one-page website (at least) asides your social media pages.

The social media platforms don't belong to you. They can go off anytime. Have a one-page website that says who you are, organizations you have worked with, photographs and reviews from colleagues, opportunities you are open to and your contact details.

You can also open an account on ​

In all of these, INTEGRITY matters. I can’t say this enough.

Please don’t package yourself and put out there, knowing you have zero character and tolerance. It’s a quick recipe to kill your brand and slide into being broke!

People don’t forget oooooo. Hmmmn….if you have that character issue, start working on them fast!

I know we won’t always please clients, colleagues and people but please let it be written that you DID YOUR VERY BEST. Do what you say you will do. If Jesus is like that, I don’t know what’s stopping you from learning that…..Don’t mind me with this my Jesus Christ thingy…lol….He seems to be the best example I can think of at the moment of writing this article.


1. Decide today to post consistently every day for 30 days (Meaningful content oh)

2. Create a content plan (tell stories about your work, your experiences, life lessons, share Some vital tips for businesses, life, relationships or your place or choice of interest. Be human by sharing something interesting about you or an experience.

3. Measure: LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram are perfect platforms to start exploring. These platforms have amazing reach and you can get more Visibility in 30 days if you are consistent. As you build on these platforms, also learn to engage as much as you can.

But before you start sharing, please determine your boundaries.

- I won’t share about my husband/wife (for those that are married)

- I won’t share about my children (Your choice)

- I won’t share about my workout and family (Your choice)……you can add more!

These boundaries will help you navigate and engage healthily online. But You also need to ask yourself: “IF I SHARE THIS THING, WILL IT MAKE OR MAR ME IN THE NEXT 10 YEARS?”

Then use your tongue to count your teeth. Because the people wey laugh and shine teeth with you today online, na dem go still drag you scatter with premium gbas-gbos tomorrow.

So, with these few points of mine, I hope I have been able to convince and not to confuse you that it’s important for you to have a PERSONAL BRAND.

Cc: Joy Eneghalu

Thank you and God bless you abundantly for reading!


  1. Great piece! I'm glad I read through. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thank you very much for your acknowledgement. God bless you abundantly for this 🙏

  2. This is very well informative.
    Well done Boss

    1. Thank you very much for this acknowledgement. God bless you abundantly 🙏


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